Let’s get to know each other


We are a specialized in multisport vacations in Veneto region, Italy. We organize cycling tours and also we like the idea to combine 2 or more sports in 1 tour having cycling as our main activity and hiking or snorkeling or cliff jumping etc…dedicated for 1 or 2 days.

We also add 1 secret activity which will be unveiled only during your vacation. Don’t worry it won’t be anything you don’t like we promise!


PK is a way of life. Everybody has dreamed (when we were kids) to travel to many places and be able to do all kinds of experiences. Sometimes we had the opportunity to accomplish our desires. Some other times we couldn’t due to lack of time or lack of economic indipendence.

But we preverved our good spirit and the desire to discover new places. Today we are adults and we want to tick some lines from our bucket list. We have the same enthusiasm as we were kids but we have more possibilities, more options. So that’s why we are professionals…but still kids inside.


We are Alessandro from Padua, Italy, Lupo from Rome, Italy and Nigel from Queensland, Australia. We are the founders of the PK club. We first met when we were already grownups, but it was a true friendship at first sight. Somehow we knew we were PK but we didn’t know it yet! We started to use the PK concept after numberless nights talking about what to do with our lives.

Our signature adventure was in 2018 when we decided to spend a few days together at Lupo’s house in the hills around Rome.Lupo is very knowledgable about roman history and knows evrything about the hilly area where his family lives. The area in fact used to be a very important archeological site. Today it not a site of archeological interest anymore “but if you dig deep enough you might find something interesting…maybe a roman coin…” said Lupo. So the 3 of us started diging holes all over this huge peace of land. We also rented a very sophisicated metal detector. Every time the metal detector was beeping we we digging hoping to find something. After a few days of no luck we decided it was time to relax and chill but on the way back to Lupo’s house we found a treasure….a 2 euro coin…we looked at each other and started loughing so much. That moment was really remarkable in our mind!

If you want to have the PK badge tell us about your story!